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Social Social Media Marketing: How To Prevent 3 Common Errors Lots of Marketers Are Committing Empty
PostSubject: Social Social Media Marketing: How To Prevent 3 Common Errors Lots of Marketers Are Committing   Social Social Media Marketing: How To Prevent 3 Common Errors Lots of Marketers Are Committing EmptyMon Mar 19, 2012 10:13 pm

Social Social Media Marketing: How To Prevent 3 Common Errors Lots of Marketers Are Committing Main_image-300x199
The extra ordinary popularity of social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and recently introduced Pinterest has
improved how businesses market their products and services. It has also transformed the way customers search for products online and offline.

Since social media has become a basic and important part of marketing schemes of businesses today, there are tons of people taking risks for their products without even knowing the consequences when it comes to social media marketing campaign. Many people who are doing this job often make many blunders, lose valuable time rather than having the ROI they could enjoy from their activities.

In this article we will look at 3 frequent mistakes that marketers
often make in social media as well as the methods for avoiding these
mistakes yourself.

1. Not having a clear objective

This type of mistake is usually done by those people who set up
social profiles without knowing the basic knowledge or purpose behind
them. They post various statuses and tweets which have a weak or no
connection with their marketing goals at all.

A few measurable components of social media campaign consist of:

  • Mentions
  • Visitors
  • Re tweets
  • Audience/ community building
If you are arranging a social media campaign, first off, make a
measurable and solid objective/idea for what you want to attain using
your efforts. After that make a schedule and fix a time frame to check your progress.

2. Not having a backup plan or alternative for negative response from your audience/followers

When you get tangled into the web of social media space and engage
yourself in it, you might come across some negative feedback also. To save yourself from any kind of trouble or inconvenience, create a
rule/policy for dealing with these kinds of situations.

You can always manage a negative situation by dealing it wisely by
offering a simple solution. If any customer reacts unpleasantly or
angrily, express regret instantly if it’s your mistake, and find a way
to correct it. By doing so, the general audience, who will view this
negative feedback, will also see how you have handled and solved the issue.

3. No check and balance of your social media reputation/progress

It’s good to frequently check your social media profiles on and off
to know what is being said about you, your business or your brands.
Below are some free and easy ways to do so.

Twitter Search: Twitter is the best professional
tool for the marketers. Check out search.twitter.com to search a
keyword, hash tag or a trending subject.

Google Alerts: By using Google Alerts, you can know
people’s views about you or your product, happenings in your industry and what’s getting published related to you. Regular checking of these updates will help you remain up-to-date about the things related to you and you can instantly respond to an unpleasant situation.

So, when you plan something, just develop a strategy and keep a track of your progress. You will definitely experience that the time you’ve spent on social media campaigns was not a waste of time.

Source: seoclerks
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