So, you have a
facebook account. What’s next?
Adding content to your page, of course. Good, but what kind of content could you add on your
facebook page?
I see
facebook content grouped in two categories:
A. CommercialThis type aims to generate attention on the stuff you sell, you put
at disposal. Basically, you can say you advertise. Your goal is to
generate direct response, you don’t want to wait for your fan to think
to much, you want him to act. You want to get immediate results.
B. SocialThis type of content has the role of helping you to discover what’s
in your fan’s mind, using content which generates reactions,
conversations, question, answers, feedback, etc.
You should be interested about this stuff, because, in time, you can
deliver more effective messages and you can use the feedback to build a
plan of introducing commercial content.
Briefly, the information obtained must be used strategically, so you can organize better on long term.
So, to make things easier, here are some examples from
each content type:
Commercial content-
videos with testimonials, demonstrative videos with your product / service, presentation videos;
pictures that go along the same line with your videos;
direct links to offers, newsletter, content, freebies;
statuses declaring that what you are doing goes
well and you have a feeling that it would go better from now on. I call
these statuses of praise.
statuses of credibility/endorsement: X, which is
well known, recommends and uses our product. It’s not a testimonial,
because you don’t talk about how the product changed something.
statuses where you make “
call to action”, in order to increase certain outcomes: application downloads, likes, shares, subscribe to mail lists/RSS;
Social content-
Videos with messages to your fans, for the purpose of thanking, videos of things that you appreciate, user generated videos;
Funny or interesting pictures, indirectly related to what you do;
Links to interesting resources or supplementing
what makes your product. The purpose is not product placement, but to
maximize the benefits that others bring match with your product;
Strategic questions aimed to get insights into
consumer behavior/customers/prospects, insights about the psychographics
(interests, hobbies, habits, passions, desires, daily schedule);
Statuses through which you do assessments, writes
stuff, put general questions, in order to generate discussions in
general, just to keep the activity on your facebook page;
Ad-type statuses, in which you congratulate someone or talk about important events that took place recently;
“I want feedback” statuses, in order to test the
reactions, to understand what is obvious and what is not obvious, to
keep your audience in order to generate ideas you can implement in your
Declarative statuses, stating your opinion about
certain things, confirming your brand or image, or humanizing your work
in general, aiming to generate trust.
So this is it. A few tips which can help any facebook user to promote
his business efficiently and improve the relationship between him and
his fans.