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 Finding Good .edu Backlinks is Easier Than You Think

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Finding Good .edu Backlinks is Easier Than You Think Empty
PostSubject: Finding Good .edu Backlinks is Easier Than You Think   Finding Good .edu Backlinks is Easier Than You Think EmptyMon Mar 19, 2012 10:38 pm

Finding good .edu backlinks is a long and drawn-out
activity that has people frustrated and on the verge of giving up
day-in, day-out. Why do us marketers look for .edu backlinks? Because Google loves them. Google, and other search engines, see .edu and .gov sites as being highly respected and trustworthy sites. If you’re minion of a blog manages to have a few .edu backlinks pointing at it, Google will notice it more, its spiders will crawl all over it like an army of ants to a pile of sugar, and in most cases, help your site sprint up the search engine results pages.

As mentioned, finding good .edu backlinks is incredibly
difficult but that doesn’t mean you should give up. There are millions
of marketers who have hundreds of websites that have been doing the same thing as you. They might be more successful in finding the elusive .edu sites that allows backlinks, and better yet Do Follow backlinks, so you can add a link and give some weightiness to your site. As there are billions of websites floating around cyber-space, there are billions of things Google and the other search engines have to look at. If your small website has a link from a site that is regarded highly by Google,then your site will receive some credibility.

So, how do you go about finding good .edu backlinks? Well,
you could start by using a footprint in the search engines such as
site:.edu. This tells the search engine you want to find a site that has a domain ending in edu. Of course, you’re not the first person to try that and there will be millions of sites come up but many won’t allow links or the ability to sign-in. So, you can add in footprints such as site:.edu “blog” or site:.edu “Log in / create account”, to try and find those sites that will allow you to add a link.

This, obviously, takes a long time and you could quite easily be
making the most of your time. You could search around for days on end, trying new footprints, going through reams of sites and only to find one or two sites. What is a much better way of finding good .edu backlinks is to buy a list. As said, people all over the world are trying to do the same thing you’re doing and they might have had more success, have more tools to scrape sites and have a team of workers as opposed to your lonely pair of hands. Buying a list of .edu links or having someone add your backlinks to their private .edu list is one of the easiest ways of getting quick backlinks that add serious weight to your linking campaign.

So, when you’re looking at ways of finding good .edu backlinks
stop working yourself into the ground and start snapping up other
people’s lists. In many cases, you can smash your competitors out of the way, even high PR authority sites, with a few well-placed, strategic .edu free backlinks.

Source: seoclerks
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