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 The Easiest $100 A Day I know

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The Easiest $100 A Day I know Empty
PostSubject: The Easiest $100 A Day I know   The Easiest $100 A Day I know EmptyWed May 02, 2012 5:19 pm

If you never made any money online listen up. Stop browsing through ebook after ebook, forum post after forum post. Read this and take action. If you fail to make a profit doing this, then IM is not for you.

I rarely post, because it kills me to see Newbie's Journey to $10.50 a day threads.

If you follow my instructions, you will bank first day. Best of all this information is free. I'm not some self proclaimed GURU. I have nothing to sell you. DON'T EVEN MESSAGE ME! Just read and apply. I have no time for HOLY people, so if you don't like this method. Don't preach to me. Just hit the back button on your browser.

This method will cost you a bare minimum of $5 per day.

Step 1: Go to fiverr website. Search for adwords vouchers. You can get 9 ($75) vouchers for $5 or you can find people selling between 1-6 $100 vouchers for $5

Let's do the math here 9X$75 = $675

If you take advantage of this deal. Already you are +$670

However you have to turn these adwords credits into cash.

Keep reading... Here's How.

****WAIT HOLY DISCLAIMER**** It's not too late for you. If you have problems with making multiple adwords accounts and banking lots of cash, run now. Don't worry, I will not suggest you steal someones credit card, or spend money with WORTHLESS VCC sellers. ***** End Disclaimer

What still here?

Ok, there is a common misconception that you need to use a VCC to activate an adwords account. WRONG!!!

All you need is the following. A fresh gmail account, and a US proxy if your outside of the United States.

Once you have the following follow these steps and your Ads will always GO live, without a VCC.

1. Create a new Adwords account, and select USA as the country, and USD as the currency. Select a US timezone.

2. Once the account is created, go to "Billing Preferences" and select USA

3. Fill in the personal details with a fake name, and fake address from the
timezone selected in step 1.

4. Click continue and select "Manual" as you payment method.
5. Click the link to enter a promotional code (near the bottom of the page).
6. Proceed to the next page and agree with the terms & conditions.
7. Check the billing page and you will see the coupon balance in your account.
8. Start running your ads.
That's it. It's simply using a USA Adwords account, which allows manual
payments, meaning you don't have to enter any financial information unless you won't to continue paying for ads.

I actually just copy/pasted the above out of a DP book, so full credit goes to the author, I did take out some of the unnecessary shit however, and I can confirm it does work. I'm just disclosing that to stop the haters, that say, "I READ THAT BEFORE". Sure you did Hater, but you never acted on it.

Ok anyways, your going to need a new proxy and new email account just to be on the safe side of things. You might be able to do it with same proxy multiple times, I just don't. So I wouldn't recommend it to you.

Ok now moving on. Your not good at PPC you say. I say, neither was I when I first started, but if you can manage to blow $670 without at least making your money back, repeat after me, "DO YOU WANT FRIES WITH THAT SIR?" Get use to saying this. IM is not for you.

Quick way to make some cash.

Visit Clickbank:

Find product with the highest gravity possible. You know it is selling. Bid on Product Name, Product Name + Review, send them to your link. OUTBID everyone. You will make a sale trust me. I can't stress the importance of tracking. I'm not going to tell you how to track keywords, but there are free solutions you can use Prosper202.

Find out what words converted for the sale. Eventually you can build up a list of keywords that actually convert, so if you ever decide, hey, you know what, I feel confident in my ppc skills, and I no longer want to play the voucher game, I'm tired of keep making new accounts, I just want 1 account that I can make money off of, you'll have all the data in front of you.

Pick a product that pays $35 or more. Even if you pay $2 per click. You won't. You'll still get 335 targeted clicks to whatever offer. If people are looking for product name, they already want to buy the product in most cases. Just 3 sales and you broke the $100 a day mark.

If you're scared and think it won't convert. Pick a $3.75 dating CPA offer. Send traffic at the offer. 2 conversions and you made your money back. You're in profit. Get the confidence. You are spending $5

Always remember my friends, good information in IM is not shared freely because the thing is most people aren't making money in IM unless they are selling you a product. Another reason is because that's the only method the person knows, and if they give it to you they fear you may give it to someone else and so on, and it will become saturated. So I leave some things to your imagination.

I'm not afraid to share information, because 1) there are a million niches that this method can apply to. A lot of people will just follow this word for word and go out and sale the highest gravity product at clickbank, but do remember others will copy this as well. Also gravity does not = High Sells. Just mean the product has been sold by many affiliates, however that obscure niche with 5.00 gravity may be doing 500 sales per day, to the smart affiliates that tried it out.

If you take anything from this post, remember this. You have FREE MONEY basically to test and become the greatest PPC marketer on the earth, don't limit yourself. Products are being sold everyday.

$20 will give you $2700 to play with.

There are three types of people that will view this thread. Ones that take action, ones that don't, and ones that troll and will look at this and say, "THIS SOUNDS FISHY, HE MUST BE A VOUCHER SELLER ON FIVERR" Which are you?

To your success,


DON'T MESSAGE ME IN PM!! I have nothing to sale you, I won't recommend which voucher seller to go, I won't help you with your campaigns. Look for someone with 100% feedback. They don't deliver. Chargeback via paypal/fiverr. You are protected.
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