I have spoken with HaRRo and he has agreed that I can post a stripped down version of my 'Crashed Challenge' blog for the next 30 days. I have some free time now exams are over so for the next 30 days I am posting exactly how I take a new site and turn it into a money making machine.
Here are the important facts:
This is not a journal thread of my success (I am already successful), it is a complete step by step method guide (I am even planning to add video tutorials too).
I am not a Guru, do not claim to be a Guru, do not want to be a Guru and have a thing against Guru's
I am doing this because I can, and I believe in Karma. Back when I started a lot of people helped me, now it is my turn to help others
My end goal is to see how many people I can have earning money online within 30 days. I will be doing the challange with a random new domain I registered today (http://bestfootballgoals.info). If you want to follow the challenge you can do it with a new site, or alternatively apply some of the later techniques to your current sites.
Day 1 of the challenge will be posted Monday...