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 Easy $100 A Day - Perfect For Noobs

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Easy $100 A Day - Perfect For Noobs Empty
PostSubject: Easy $100 A Day - Perfect For Noobs   Easy $100 A Day - Perfect For Noobs EmptyWed May 02, 2012 5:06 pm

Hey guys,

If you know me, you'll already be aware that I don't do much SEO and I'm not very technical, so coding anything is completely beyond me.

That doesn't mean I can't make money - I just have to focus on what I'm good at. That's usually: simple ideas that will generate revenue from day one.

Before I start, please DO NOT PM me about this method. If you can't figure it out from my post, then please go get a 9-5 job as IM is not for you.

You could call this "SEO-Jacking" (I just made that name up so please don't Google it).

Here's a really easy way to generate some cash each day. It does require some work, but it's very simple so can be outsourced if necessary. It's not particularly original, but I know it works as I use it for my main business which generates mid $XX,XXX a month in profits.

1) Find a niche. Doesn't really matter what it is, but preferably something popular where there will always be buyers and a variety of products to choose from. Something like weight loss would be fine. Then find products and their aff programs (clickbank would be fine for this) or any offers with a cpa network.

2) Create a review blog. Preferably you would want to use a proper domain as that's less likely to be flagged as spam. These cost a few bucks, as does hosting. Doesn't matter what the name of the site is, although it helps if it is targeted. And please buy a .com not a .info or something crap like that.

Make it in Wordpress (there are tons of "review" themes out there) and add reviews of 3-5 popular products (it's best if they are already popular - you'll see why in a bit). Try make them sound like real reviews. You could also go down the route of the personal blog - "I tried these pills and lost X in Y weeks". Most things will work - just test different niches and different blog setups. Cloak your affiliate links and make sure they track correctly. If you're lazy, you can just rip reviews from some top review sites - just bear in mind it's unlikely you'll ever rank for keywords (if that's your intention down the line).

3) Setup Google Alerts for the following:

[product name] - for each different product you have reviewed
[your niche]
[competitor products]
[anything else that's relevant]

4) Check your G Alerts regularly.

5) If you've chosen a niche that is popular enough, you should get a ton of alerts like this. Usually they will be press releases, blog posts, forum posts so just make a note of all the URLs. If you're not getting at least 100 alerts per day, add some more products or find a new niche. The idea behind using Google Alerts is that you are one of the first people to comment on a forum thread/blog post and therefore will get more clicks.

6) Visit every URL and respond in some way to the post. If it's a blog, comment with a link to your site. If it's a forum (ideal) then do the same. Put some thought into your posts.

Don't just write "go to my site here plz www.xxx.com".

Something like "I always check out this website before buying any products in [niche name] - [website link]. My personal favourite is [product X - a random product from the review site] because [whatever, whatever, whatever]."

It's not too hard to get this past forum moderators if you are clever about it. Forums are great as they will get you instant traffic and they tend to rank really well.

7) Rinse and repeat

The beauty of this method is that it can be done in a ton of niches, it's really easy to setup and you can get traffic instantly.

"Why did you call it SEO-jacking"? Well - most of these posts will start ranking for your keywords after a while so by already being on that page, you can leverage off their rankings in the long term.

So short term: direct traffic from the forums/blogs.

Longer term: direct traffic once the posts start to rank.

This is REALLY easy and anyone can do it. There's no reason at all why you can't make $100 a day doing this. It will bring residual income and you don't have to spend months waiting for your sites to start ranking only to drop again when Google changes their algo!

I'm sure most of you can come up with some ways to twist this (I've obviously posted a basic version) or you could of course be lazy and just buy some xrumer blasts on Fiverr and spam the shit out of niche forums

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