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 What 4 Years Of Internet Marketing Did To Me.. My Life, Now Told To You..

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What 4 Years Of Internet Marketing Did To Me.. My Life, Now Told To You.. Empty
PostSubject: What 4 Years Of Internet Marketing Did To Me.. My Life, Now Told To You..   What 4 Years Of Internet Marketing Did To Me.. My Life, Now Told To You.. EmptyWed May 02, 2012 4:57 pm

Hey guys, today is my 20th Birthday. Before I go off with the lads and party , I thought Il write this post here on the forum which changed my life. Seriously. I can't remember for sure, but roughly around 4 years ago when I was in my mid 16's, I always had an interest in making money online. Honestly, I did not know what PPC, PTC, CPA or any of that was. All I knew is that people made money online, and there was potential to make loads. I had never heard of Blackhatworld, DP, WF or any of those forums. I was basically a normal 16 year old boy from London who attended school on a daily basis. I would return home, go on the computer, access Facebook, go on the PS3, do homework, watch TV, hang out with the family, and go to bed. That was pretty much what I did.

One day, I was on the computer and our homework was on Business Studies. We had to research about a certain online business (such as Facebook, Youtube and so on, and write about it). I was using Facebook, and along the way found out about Advertising. Then I found out about Adsense, and then ultimately I was lead to a post on this forum, Blackhatworld. I don't remember but I clearly did not make an account here at that time. I'm not even sure when this was. It might of been when I was 17 actually but no real certainty. I really did not have big intentions of signing up to this forum back then.

So for the next year or so, I was pretty focused on studies. Coming from a poor-middle class family, my family depended on me and wanted me to do good in education at school. I did well, and still am doing good. Most of the times I would actually visit this forum on my mobile and just check out the Money making section. Although I would implement the methods, they never seemed to work for me. I didn't give up though, and neither should any of you.

Right now at this stage, I was 18/reaching 19 and I had a really big urge to start IM right away. For some reason, there was a feeling that I could go big. That I could be successful. My parents didn't like this, and after several days of persuading, they told me to focus on my studies + do IM whenever I had the time to. I joined this forum (finally) after reading many posts here and pretty much acting as a leecher. At first, all I did was read the money making section but soon I started to realise that this forum was more than a forum which helps you make money - but instead, it was full of crazy / intelligent / funny / caring people who helped you along the way.

I had been on other forums at that time and none matched the level of Blackhatworld. So, just an update so far. At the age of 16/17, I had NO clue pretty much what IM was, or how to make money online. At 19, I ultimately signed up to this forum and was slowly starting to grasp the basics of making money through CPA and Referrals.

At one stage, I realised that doing too many methods at once was bad. I say this to everyone reading this who wants to make money. Take it easy! Do it one at a time. So I tried many methods. Facebook marketing, Youtube promoting, CPA, Flipping websites and many more. I didn't succeed at first, but with pure dedication and confidence, I was starting to make some good money online. (Around $50-100 per week and sometimes more/less). It's not a lot of money, but it certainly did help me with my life and stuff that I needed.

6 months later after joining this forum, I had grasped pretty much everything. I also learnt about SEO and pretty much learnt things that works well / does not work well. I even have a pretty successful BST thread on this forum which is generating heap tons of positive reviews! And right now, 6+ months later from signing up here, I am making AT LEAST $1000 per week and this has been going for over 2 months now steadily, and will probably continue to do so. Some people make this amount daily but for me, at this age, with a job still to be found elsewhere, I am extremely happy and thankful. What did I do to get here? I won't reveal the exact methods but I did many things. Always have a back up ready. If something fails, you need to have a replacement. Don't be assured that X will work for ever. If may fail one day and that's why you should have Y and Z ready behind you.

Right now, I'm 20. In 4 years pretty much, I have gone from a kid who did not know anything about IM - to someone who has earned as much as $7000 in a week before. My life has completely changed. I now enjoy the same lifestyle. Come home from college, go on the computer to Blackhatworld, manage sales, check my money making is still working and steady (it's pretty much auto pilot) and then get of the computer and maybe watch TV/ go out/ go on the PS3.

I've said this tons of times and Il say it again. This is all thanks to Blackhatworld. There's so many people who have helped me along the way. Meathead1234, WizGizmo, Bigbuddy, Winchester, Apekillape, M.A.D, Goldenglovez, BleemZ, and tons tons more! I want to say a big thank you to all of you and even if your name is not on the list, I still want to say thank you. For being part of the best forum in the world, in my opinion! I'm now going to get lost and get drunk / party all night / and just get fucked.

Il catch you guys tomorrow! (I may even log into BHW in-between today on my phone as some days I cannot resist the urge to log in and see what's happening on the forum).

On behalf of me and my friend Katona the Frog, I say THANKS! Have a great day.. and if you're sitting there struggling to make money.. GET UP, JUMP ONCE, SIT DOWN AND ATTEMPT THE METHOD AGAIN. YOU CAN DO IT! I PROMISE YOU.
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