In case you haven’t noticed, SEOmoz have just published their Search Engine Ranking Factors for 2009:
Every two years, SEOmoz surveys top SEO experts in the field worldwide on their opinions of the algorithmic elements that comprise search engine rankings. This year features contributors from the US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, the Ukraine, the Dominican Republic and many more.
I’m particulary glad to see the work live – the original ranking factors contributed significantly to my own development as an SEO, which is why I’m proud to be on the contributors list, amongst the people I have looked up to most in our industry for several years.
It will take us all a day or so to completely review the data but I’m really looking forward to reading some of the response and feedback this publication will no doubt generate.
Rand’s announcement can be found on this blog post, where you can post feedback on the newly published document.