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 InvestTechFX, Leading Forex Trading Company Forex Islamic Account & Forex Swap Free Account The Islamic Capital Center

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PostSubject: InvestTechFX, Leading Forex Trading Company Forex Islamic Account & Forex Swap Free Account The Islamic Capital Center   InvestTechFX, Leading Forex Trading Company Forex Islamic Account & Forex Swap Free Account The Islamic Capital Center EmptyTue Apr 10, 2012 10:51 pm

Toronto, Canada (PRWEB) October 7, 2008 -- PART A: Recently Mr. Ali Saad, the head of Forex Islamic Account & Forex Swap Free Account at InvestTechFX, was interviewed. Mr. Saad said that InvestTechFX offers Forex Islamic Account & Forex Swap Free Account with the lowest spreads 1 PIP on the Forex majors' currencies. Mr. Saad, head of Forex Islamic Account & Forex Swap Free Account, said that the Islamic capital has geometrically in column grown, a few Capital cities in the world are coping the right to be the industry prospering center, which has 500 billion dollars assets.

InvestTechFX head of Forex Islamic Account & Forex Swap Free Account said that Dubai, in the mean time, is holding the title of the national banking center, But it can quickly loose it, for other traditional competitors like Bahrain and for new rivals like Britain and even Singapore.

Further more, InvestTechFX head of Islamic Account & Swap Free Account said that Dubai is having a governmental support, like its neighbors in the Persian Golf, and from tight local contacts to the Islam and to 'Shariah', the Muslim law. Mr. Saad, head of InvestTechFX head of Forex Islamic Account & Forex Swap Free Account, said that there is more trade with 'sukuk' in Dubai an investment certificates like bounds that solve the problem of interest prohibition in the Shria rules - more than anywhere else. InvestTechFX head of Forex Islamic Account & Forex Swap Free Account point that Dubai is cosmopolitan, small and friendly city for business enough to draw to her talents from other world wide centers of Online Forex Trading Platform.

InvestTechFX head of Forex Islamic Account & Forex Swap Free Account said that Bankers and lawyers are moving to Dubai? and add that even the British are not immune from the emirate casts that is free from taxes.

Mr. Saad, InvestTechFX head of Forex Islamic Account & Forex Swap Free Account, said that Japan wants to be the first country in the G7's club that will make sovereigns 'sukuk' bounds. InvestTechFX, head of Forex Islamic Account & Forex Swap Free Account, said that Hong Kong Forex trading market wants to develop this year an Islamic market bounds to maximize the city financial status.

Mr. Saad, InvestTechFX head of Forex Islamic Account & Forex Swap Free Account, said that in the financial center of Dubai there has been high quality regulation. Head of Forex Islamic Account & Forex Swap Free Account at InvestTechFX said that Dubai attractions are many: besides the moles there are "free zones" that in them there can be a foreign ownership of 100% from the broad profits and from the capital, there is companies' tax free and no import taxes.

Mr. Saad, InvestTechFX head of Forex Islamic Account & Forex Swap Free account, said that Dubai is part of the Arab emirate union, and will go on being the important engine of the Islamic capital in the close range, since its recycles the oil incomes of the real estate area, tourism, technology and other factors of economy. InvestTechFX head of Forex Islamic Account & Forex Swap Free Account, said that her status is not sure as the Islamic capital city of fortune. The local currency that linked to the dollar and the economy that rising are all make the inflation go high with many levels.

InvestTechFX, the Forex Leading Trading Company of Forex Islamic Account & Forex Swap Free Account, has predicted that the inflation will be at rate as 12% this year in January, as opposed to 10% in 2007, unless there will be major changes in the policy of the state. The prices rise may draw business to come to a neighbor centers like Bahrain. InvestTechFX head of Forex Islamic Account & Forex Swap Free Account said that the little kingdom that is on an island, has satisfied on inflation of 4.7% last year and becoming a cheep alternative. www.fxdialogue.com.

InvestTechFX will release Part B forex trading of this interview next week.
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