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PostSubject: Link dofflow từ những diễn đàn PR cao   Link dofflow từ những diễn đàn PR cao EmptyFri Dec 30, 2011 4:11 pm

Lấy link dofflow từ những diễn đàn PR cao

Dưới đây là dách sách các diễn đàn cho phép bạn đặt link vào profile của bạn trên diễn đàn, đặc biệt các link này đều là “dofollow” việc này rất có ích cho việc dẫn dắt bọ tìm kiếm chạy đến website của bạn. Lợi ích SEO từ việc này phải nói là rất lớn vì thế đừng bỏ qua nguồn SEO quý giá này. Bạn chỉ việc truy cập vào các diễn đàn trong link bên dưới, đăng kí một tài khoản mới, sau đó vào trang quản lí tài khoản để chỉnh sữa lại mục website trong profile thành link đến trang nhà của bạn. Thế là xong, bạn đã có một link dofollow miễn phí vĩnh viễn, cho tới khi nào diễn đàn đóng cửa thì thôi . Chỉ cần làm 1 lần mà ăn dài dài hehe

Dưới đây là danh sách các forum kèm với PR phía sau:
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http://www.msri.org/ | 8
http://forums.cpanel.net/ | 8
http://forum.bytesforall.com/ | 8
http://www.campusretail.com/ | 8
http://www.tectite.com/ | 7
http://www.keithandthegirl.com/ | 7
http://www.vbadvanced.com/ | 7
http://www.chemicool.com/ | 7
http://www.openwebdesign.org/ | 7
http://www.sitepoint.com/ | 7
http://journal.paho.org/ | 7
http://www.ncahlc.org/ | 7
http://www.archives.org.uk/ | 7
http://message.snopes.com/ | 7
http://www.zen-cart.com/ | 7
http://www.newmediamedicine.com/ | 6
http://forums.o2online.ie/ | 6
http://www.quinnware.com/ | 6
http://forums.psychcentral.com/ | 6
http://forums.randi.org/ | 6
http://dr1.com/ | 6
http://www.roundcubeforum.net/ | 6
http://www.beg.utexas.edu/ | 6
http://forum.boxee.tv/ | 6
http://www.petri.co.il/ | 6
http://forum.atlasti.com/ | 6
http://www.pprune.org/ | 6
http://www.pngbd.com/ | 6
http://forum.whatismyip.com/ | 6
http://www.exforsys.com/ | 6
http://www.elanguage.cn/ | 6
http://www.easyphpcalendar.com/ | 6
http://www.edulog.com/ | 6
http://www.flyingsolo.com.au/ | 6
http://forums.bit-tech.net/ | 6
http://www.findmyhosting.com/ | 6
http://www.extjs.com/ | 6
http://www.gearthhacks.com/ | 6
http://www.mc3dviz.com/ | 6
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http://www.joomlaxtreme.com/ | 6
http://www.coldhardfootballfacts.com/ | 6
http://www.consumercourt.in/ | 6
http://www.teach-nology.com/ | 6
http://www.americancomm.org/ | 6
http://talk.baltimoresun.com/ | 6
http://www.zeropaid.com/ | 6
http://macosx.com/ | 6
http://www.wearephoenix.com/ | 6
http://phpwsforums.com/ | 6
http://neurotalk.psychcentral.com/ | 6
http://photography-on-the.net/ | 6
http://www.stormtrack.org/ | 6
http://www.soulforce.org/ | 6
https://members.cisecurity.org/ | 6
https://www.vbseo.com/ | 6
http://www.vbulletin.org/ | 6
http://www.askandyaboutclothes.com/ | 6
http://www.ukypforums.org.uk/ | 6
http://www.skyscrapercity.com/ | 6
http://gm-volt.com/ | 6
http://www.arisglobal.com/ | 6
http://bikeportland.org/ | 6
http://nicholewilliams.net/ | 5
http://www.dbstalk.com/ | 5
http://www.dance-forums.com/ | 5
http://www.czechforum.net/ | 5
http://www.cookingjunkies.com/ | 5
http://nixcraft.com/ | 5
http://www.comixfan.com/ | 5
http://www.cyclingforums.com/ | 5
http://www.crazyengineers.com/ | 5
http://www.coolstreaming.us/ | 5
http://www.defence.pk/ | 5
http://www.epictcg.com/ | 5
http://www.eternal-allegiance.com/ | 5
http://mobileairmouse.com/ | 5
http://www.electricforum.com/ | 5
http://www.floridatrend.com/ | 5
http://homeofficeforum.ca.com/ | 5
http://jollyroger.com/ | 5
http://www.findadeath.com/ | 5
http://www.dgrin.com/ | 5
http://www.digitalextremes.com/ | 5
http://www.detroityes.com/ | 5
http://www.devmaster.net/ | 5
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http://nexodyne.com/ | 5
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http://www.bosdev.com/ | 5
http://www.bsacforum.co.uk/ | 5
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http://www.bubhub.com.au/ | 5
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http://www.graphonomics.org/ | 5
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http://www.householdhacker.com/ | 5
http://www.htmlforums.com/ | 5
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http://www.hockeyfanzone.com/ | 5
http://www.gosca.com/ | 5
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http://www.gamingunion.net/ | 5
http://www.ftdsupportforum.com/ | 5
http://www.fraudwatchers.org/ | 5
http://www.frugalvillage.com/ | 5
http://www.geekboards.com/ | 5
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http://www.googlecommunity.com/ | 5
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http://www.gigposters.com/ | 5
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http://www.mygua.org/ | 5
http://www.mobilitysite.com/ | 5
http://www.mikafanclub.com/ | 5
http://www.mikeholt.com/ | 5
http://www.myp2pforum.eu/ | 5
http://www.petforums.co.uk/ | 5
http://www.photographycompetitions.net/ | 5
http://www.p45.net/ | 5
http://www.natnit.net/ | 5
http://www.nigeriavillagesquare.com/ | 5
http://www.logic-users-group.com/ | 5
http://www.interweb.in/ | 5
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http://www.internet-love-scams.org/ | 5
http://www.innovision.com/ | 5
http://www.interfaith.org/ | 5
http://www.judicialclerkships.com/ | 5
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http://www.livinginindonesiaforum.org/ | 5
http://www.laurierking.com/ | 5
http://www.juventuz.com/ | 5
http://www.kendo-world.com/ | 5
http://forum.colts.com/ | 5
http://forums.digitalcontentproducer.com/ | 5
http://forum.casebook.org/ | 5
http://forums.dotproject.net/ | 5
http://forums.dailyfreegames.com/ | 5
http://forum.freenicetemplates.com/ | 5
http://forums.comingsoon.net/ | 5
http://forums.coolest-gadgets.com/ | 5
http://forums.cooking.com/ | 5
http://findit-fixit.sensorsmag.com/ | 5
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http://apolyton.net/ | 5
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http://forums.rmaa.com.au/ | 5
http://biome.utoronto.ca/ | 5
http://forums.explosm.net/ | 5
http://forum.blu-ray.com/ | 5
http://forum.brighthand.com/ | 5
http://forums.techguy.org/ | 5
http://byet.net/ | 5
http://forums.trossenrobotics.com/ | 5
http://forum.notebookreview.com/ | 5
http://forum.retailmenot.com/ | 5
http://forum.tabletpcreview.com/ | 5
http://forum.worldviz.com/ | 5
http://forum.soholaunch.com/ | 5
http://forum.synthesis.ch/ | 5
http://chainfactor.com/ | 5
http://forum.kitsgratuits.com/ | 5
http://forums.tvgasm.com/ | 5
http://forums.chiefmarketer.com/ | 5
http://forums.snappages.com/ | 5
http://forums.biotechinstitute.org/ | 5
http://forum.musepack.net/ | 5
http://forum.limewire.org/ | 5
http://forum.mp3tunes.com/ | 5
http://gamerlimit.com/ | 5
http://forums.planetxbox360.com/ | 5
http://forums.kaneva.com/ | 5
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http://forums.homeless.org.au/ | 5
http://germanixsoft.de/ | 5
http://conceptart.org/ | 5
http://bearinsider.com/ | 5
http://community.naturalmotion.com/ | 5
http://dev.onmobile.com/ | 5
http://forums.mint.com/ | 5
http://crimsonconfidential.com/ | 5
http://codingforums.com/ | 5
http://androidforums.com/ | 5
http://eudorabb.qualcomm.com/ | 5
http://airheads.arubanetworks.com/ | 5
http://www.friendskorner.com/ | 4
http://www.forums.redissue.co.uk/ | 4
http://www.forums.pharma-mkting.com/ | 4
http://forums.askthetrainer.com/ | 4
http://www.canyoneering.net/ | 4
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http://www.datavaultinstitute.com/ | 4
http://www.tupacnation.net/ | 4
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http://www.cavaliertalk.com/ | 4
http://forums.gamershell.com/ | 4
http://www.futureproducers.com/ | 4
http://www.geekinterview.com/ | 4
http://forums.3dcart.com/ | 4
http://www.burningwheel.org/ | 4
http://www.cableforum.co.uk/ | 4
http://www.tracksmag.com.au/ | 4
http://www.cabinetmakersassociation.org/ | 4
http://www.gamtalk.org/ | 4
http://forums.graphonomics.org/ | 4
http://www.gfy.com/ | 4
http://www.canadianmoneyforum.com/ | 4
http://forums.ngemu.com/ | 4
http://www.gaj-it.com/ | 4
http://www.fxfisherman.com/ | 4
http://forums.mangafox.com/ | 4
http://www.droidforums.net/ | 4
http://www.domainboardroom.com/ | 4
http://www.dodgeforum.com/ | 4
http://forums.doctornuke.com/ | 4
http://forums.funny-games.biz/ | 4
http://forums.darkfallonline.com/ | 4
http://www.collegesportingnews.com/ | 4
http://www.diamondring.com/ | 4
http://forums.homedialysis.org/ | 4
http://www.deckmagazine.com/ | 4
http://forums.highend.com/ | 4
http://www.dizzytimes.com/ | 4
http://www.complexitygaming.com/ | 4
http://www.concertonetworks.com/ | 4
http://www.ellinadiko.com/ | 4
http://forums.cagepotato.com/ | 4
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http://www.cpskins.com/ | 4
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http://forums.loquax.co.uk/ | 4
http://www.foot-health-forum.com/ | 4
http://forumotion.netcarenetwork.org/ | 4
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http://www.equination.net/ | 4
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http://betweentalk.com/ | 4
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http://www.f150fan.com/ | 4
http://forums.clantemplates.com/ | 4
http://www.pulseresources.org/ | 4
http://www.queeruk.net/ | 4
http://finalfantasy-xiii.net/ | 4
http://www.psychesystems.com/ | 4
http://www.radrounds.net/ | 4
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http://www.persianhub.org/ | 4
http://community.boredofstudies.org/ | 4
http://www.stickpageportal.com/ | 4
http://www.stockmarketnigeria.com/ | 4
http://www.sriopenforum.com/ | 4
http://www.ssamonthlyshoot.com/ | 4
http://community.xat.com/ | 4
http://www.swellinfo.com/ | 4
http://www.sydneymuslimyouth.com/ | 4
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http://dmwatson.org/ | 4
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http://displaylink.org/ | 4
http://www.socionics.com/ | 4
http://www.inspectionnews.net/ | 4
http://www.ipacs.de/ | 4
http://www.ifuw-forums.org/ | 4
http://www.indusladies.com/ | 4
http://www.ivm.org.uk/ | 4
http://www.justwebtalk.com/ | 4
http://www.kayakmagazine.com/ | 4
http://www.jabberforum.org/ | 4
http://www.themaddenlab.com/ | 4
http://www.ibreathemusic.com/ | 4
http://www.gossiprocks.com/ | 4
http://www.groundtradesxchange.com/ | 4
http://www.glocktalk.com/ | 4
http://forum.thaipitt.com/ | 4
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http://forum.qualityunit.com/ | 4
http://www.thinkdigit.com/ | 4
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http://forum.exscn.net/ | 4
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http://forum.daemon-tools.cc/ | 4
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http://forum.followfollow.com/ | 4
http://www.lotustalk.com/ | 4
http://www.madcityrollers.com/ | 4
http://forum.level.ro/ | 4
http://www.lifesupporters.com/ | 4
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http://forum.hcea.net/ | 4
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http://forum.indianabusinessbuilder.net/ | 4
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http://immigrationvoice.org/ | 4
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