The SEO Tools found in this
section were designed to assist you in configuring your website(s) for
optional Search Engine Optimization within the different search engines.
Please select one of the SEO Tools from below, to begin optimizing your
website(s) for top placement within the search engines.
Link Popularity This tool will query all the major search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN,
and Teoma), and then return the total link count for each.
Meta Tag Generator If you're new to web development and search engine optimization, you may
find this tool useful to ensure that your Meta Tags are correctly
Domain Typo Generator Enter a
domain name into the box above, and this tool will generate a list of suggestion of
likely human-misspellings and typos for the given domain.
Keyword Typo Generator Enter a keyword or key-term into the box above and this tool will
generate a list of suggestions for likely human-misspellings and typos.
Keyword Density This tool will analyze your chosen URL, and return a table of keyword density values for one, two, or three word key-terms.
Keyword Optimizer Enter a list of keywords and this tool will remove any duplicate entries and re-orders the list alphabetically.
Keyword Suggestions For Google The keyword suggestion tool for Google will help you choose relevant and popular terms related to your selected key-term.
Keyword Suggestions For OvertureSimply enter a key-term and this tool will query information from Overture database of searched terms.
PageRank Search Enter your google search here, and our tool will search Google and display the pagerank next to each resulting answer.
PageRank Lookup This tool streamlines the process of checking pagerank for your sites.
Enter a list of URLs and it will return the PageRank value for each one.
Future PageRank This tool will query Google's various data-centers to check for any changes in PageRank values for a given URL.
Site Link Analyzer This tool will analyze a given web-page and return a table of data
containing columns of outbound links and their associated anchor text.
Meta Analyzer This tool will analyze a websites META tags. Analyzing a competitors
Keyword and Description META values is a good way to find ideas for
keyterms and more effective copy for your site.
Google Dance This tool will query Google's 3 main web servers, showing the different statuses during updates. Watch Google Dance.
Page Size This tool will help to determine HTML web page size.
We hope you find these tools to be very helpful in your SEO endeavors.