Panda 3.4 ConfirmedI noticed some rank update yesterday and still seeing some changes. I searched google and Panda 3.4 is confirmed.!/google/status/183312403100995584"Panda refresh rolling out now. Only ~1.6% of queries noticeably affected."
Whats your View on 3.4 ?
Thread Overview as of March 25 2012 - Arranged by important and real facts and (this is my view inside bracket)
* Panda 3.4 is revision update for Panda 3.3
* Keyword Diversity is more important -Also usage of synonyms related opposite words ex - review and sucks
* Content is King
* Still some spam sites are ranking good enough. (I am sure that even we do spam maintain platform diversity and ip/domain diversity - still brilliant BH works)
* Most of ALN sites are still ranking good. (Some aln based sites loosed ranking because 25% sites deindexed. Buy ALN again, maybe you will get rank again)
* (This is not discussed actually. This is my prediction. Like we all see PR - page rank update. In coming days we will also see DI - de-index update. I am sure this will be planned by Google[If I am Google, I will think this way - lol]. Discussed no where in internet. Whats your opinion on this too)
SEO is not DEAD. Its just making BH guys more brilliant.
* The best way to rank now is to place a picture of a lady Panda (preferably in lingerie) on the webpage you want to rank. Use your keyword to name the pic and in the 'alt' tag! (Trick by member TheMatrix for fun - but good one lol)
* More update based on your reply...