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 Tips For Checking Your Communication Skills

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Tips For Checking Your Communication Skills Empty
PostSubject: Tips For Checking Your Communication Skills   Tips For Checking Your Communication Skills EmptyFri Nov 09, 2012 3:55 pm

In order to assess your communication skills, you should use this check list.

a) Focus

Do you pay complete attention to others when they are speaking? A wandering focus can discourage open communication.)tai avatar

Are you able to manage your thoughts during a conversation and focus them on understanding what the other person is saying? With effective listening, you will need more concentration than any other form of communication. You are defeating your ability to understand if you are thinking about anything other than what the person is saying.

Are you postponing preparing your reply until after you have heard everything the other person has to say? (Thinking about what you plan to say while the other person is speaking prevents you from understanding what that person is saying.)

Do you ignore distractions, such as other people, ambient noise, and the surroundings? You would appear as someone who is uninterested, unfocused, and rude if you attend to distractions.)

During a conversation, do you make eye contact? It would show that you are paying attention if you watch a person’s face. Also, you could gather nonverbal messages, which can convey most of the important information being conveyed to you.)


Do you convey confidence, courage, and strength during your conversations? (A pleasant manner will encourage people to trust you and tell you more. Negative behavior conveys weakness, insecurity, and fear.

Do you react calmly to bad news? (If you are angry, then it will frighten people into avoiding you.)

Are you able to encourage others to speak freely? (Appearing interested, asking questions, and treating others with respect encourages open communication.)

Do you think you can use a diplomatic, positive vocabulary? (When you talk about what you want, it is more forceful than talking about what you don’t want, won’t do, or can’t do. This means that you will avoid using the word “not.”)

Do you seek solutions? (Seeking approval, culprits, or excuses, discourages communication.)


Are you able to stick to the subject? (Introducing new unrelated issues degrades the quality of your conversation and it also confuses the other person.)

Do you maintain a “you” focus? (You can speak in terms of what the other person needs, wants, and understands because that enhances the impact of what you say).

Do you end up avoiding games? (People will avoid you if you ask trick questions, set traps, and make others look bad.)

Do you use a linear, logical approach to explaining things? (You should make it easy for others to understand what you’re saying because it’s more efficient.)

Do you tend to use common terms? (Jargon and flowery speech should be avoided because these impress only the person using them.)

You would have answered “yes” to all of these questions if you are an effective leader. And that is what makes them so successful.

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